CentOS – httpd mit mod_spdy

Httpd unter CentOS um das Modul SPDY von Google zu erweitern ist ganz einfach.

Je nach Architektur wird das entsprechende Modul wie folgt installiert.

yum install https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/linux/direct/mod-spdy-beta_current_i386.rpm
yum install https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/linux/direct/mod-spdy-beta_current_x86_64.rpm

Das war es auch schon. Nun einfach httpd neu starten und das Modul steht bereit.

Das SPDY Modul kann nun unter /etc/httpd/conf.d/spdy.conf entsprechend konfiguriert oder deaktiviert werden.

LoadModule spdy_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_spdy.so
<IfModule spdy_module>
# Turn on mod_spdy. To completely disable mod_spdy, you can set
# this to "off".
SpdyEnabled on

# In order to support concurrent multiplexing of requests over a
# single connection, mod_spdy maintains its own thread pool in
# each Apache child process for processing requests. The default
# size of this thread pool is very conservative; you can override
# it with a larger value (as below) to increase concurrency, at
# the possible cost of increased memory usage.
#SpdyMaxThreadsPerProcess 30

# Memory usage can also be affected by the maximum number of
# simultaneously open SPDY streams permitted for each client
# connection. Ideally, this limit should be set as high as
# possible, but you can tweak it as necessary to limit memory
# consumption.
#SpdyMaxStreamsPerConnection 100

Hier noch der Link auf die Projektseite.

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